John Deere POWERTECH 8.1 L 6081xxx Diesel engine pdf technical manual  - John Deere manuels - JD-CTM86-EN

John Deere POWERTECH 8.1 L 6081xxx Diesel engine pdf technical manual

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Format: PDF

Pages: 507

File size: 8.47 MB

Language: English

Models: POWERTECH 8.1 L Diesel Engines - Base Engine: 6081AN, 6081HH, 6081HRW, 6081TRW, 6081HZ, 6081ACQ, 6081HDW, 6081AT, 6081HT, 6081HF

Engine Application Chart (John Deere


9970 Cotton Picker - 6081AN001

9976 Cotton Picker - 6081HN001, 003

9986 Cotton Picker - 6081HN003

4920 Sprayer - 6081HN005


9510 Low Power Combine - 6081HH001

9510 High Power Combine - 6081HH002

9550 Low Power Combine - 6081HH008

9550 High Power Combine - 6081HH009

9610 Combine - 6081HH003

9650 and 9650CTS Combine - 6081HH010

9650 CTS-(Europe) Combine - 6081HH011

9650 STS Combine - 6081HH006

9750 STS Combine - 6081HH005

CTS II Combine (Europe-1998 Model Year - 6081HH003

CTS II Combine (Europe-1999 Model Year) - 6081HH004

CTS II Combine (North America) - 6081HH003

Amadus Peanut Combine - 6081HH007


7710 Tractor - 6081TRW01, 03, 05, 07, 09

7810 Tractor - 6081TRW02, 04, 06, 08, 10, 11

7710/7810 Tractor - 6081HRW43 (Tier II)

7820 Tractor - 6081HRW41

7920 Tractor - 6081HRW42

8100 Tractor - 6081HRW06

8200 Tractor - 6081HRW07

8300 Tractor - 6081HRW08

8400 Tractor - 6081HRW01, 04

8100T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW10

8200T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW02

8300T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW09

8400T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW03

8110 Tractor - 6081HRW11

8210 Tractor - 6081HRW13

8310 Tractor - 6081HRW15

8410 Tractor - 6081HRW17

8110T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW12

8210T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW14

8310T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW16

8410T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW18

8120/8220 Wheel/Tracks (W/T)Tractor - 6081HRW23

8120/8220 Front Suspended Axle North America - 6081HRW31

8120/8220 Front Suspended Axle Region II - 6081HRW32

8320 W/T Tractor - 6081HRW25

8320 Front Suspended Axle North America - 6081HRW33

8320 Front Suspended Axle Region II - 6081HRW34

8420W CIS Tractor (Wheels Only) - 6081HRW26

8420 W/T Tractor - 6081HRW27

8420 Front Suspended Axle Tractor North America - 6081HRW35

8420 Front Suspended Axle Tractor Region II - 6081HRW36

8520 W/T Tractor - 6081HRW28

8520 Front Suspended Axle Tractor North America - 6081HRW37

8520 Front Suspended Axle Tractor Region II - 6081HRW38

9100 4-Wheel Drive Tractor - 6081HRW05

9120 4-WD Wheels Tractor - 6081HRW30


2256 Combine - 6081HZ003, 007

2258 Combine - 6081HZ002, 05

2264 Combine - 6081HZ002

2266 Combine - 6081HZ001

2268 Combine - 6081HZ006

9640/9640HM - 6081HZ009

9640/9640HM & 9850/9850HM Combine - 6081HZ017 (replaces HZ009)

9680/9680HM Combine - 6081HZ011

9780/9780HM Combine - 6081HZ012

9680/9680HM & 9780/9780HM Combine - 6081HZ019 (replaces HZ011 & HZ012)

9660/9660HM Combine - 6081HZ010

9660/9660HM Combine - 6081HZ018 (replaces HZ010)

6650 Self-Propelled Forage Harvester - 6081HZ004

7200 Self-Propelled Forage Harvester 6081HZ013 (European Model)

7200 Self-Propelled Forage Harvester - 6081HZ016 (North American Model)


1185A Combine - 6081ACQ01

Engine Application Chart (OEM) (Outside Equipment Manufacturers)

Application Engine Model

OEM Engine (Tier I Emissions Certified) - 6081TF001

OEM Engine (Tier I Emissions Certified) - 6081AF001

OEM Engine (Tier I Emissions Certified) - 6081HF001

Marine Engine - 6081AFM01

OEM Engine (Tier II Emissions Certified) - 6081HF070


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Engine Application Chart (John Deere


9970 Cotton Picker - 6081AN001

9976 Cotton Picker - 6081HN001, 003

9986 Cotton Picker - 6081HN003

4920 Sprayer - 6081HN005


9510 Low Power Combine - 6081HH001

9510 High Power Combine - 6081HH002

9550 Low Power Combine - 6081HH008

9550 High Power Combine - 6081HH009

9610 Combine - 6081HH003

9650 and 9650CTS Combine - 6081HH010

9650 CTS-(Europe) Combine - 6081HH011

9650 STS Combine - 6081HH006

9750 STS Combine - 6081HH005

CTS II Combine (Europe-1998 Model Year - 6081HH003

CTS II Combine (Europe-1999 Model Year) - 6081HH004

CTS II Combine (North America) - 6081HH003

Amadus Peanut Combine - 6081HH007


7710 Tractor - 6081TRW01, 03, 05, 07, 09

7810 Tractor - 6081TRW02, 04, 06, 08, 10, 11

7710/7810 Tractor - 6081HRW43 (Tier II)

7820 Tractor - 6081HRW41

7920 Tractor - 6081HRW42

8100 Tractor - 6081HRW06

8200 Tractor - 6081HRW07

8300 Tractor - 6081HRW08

8400 Tractor - 6081HRW01, 04

8100T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW10

8200T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW02

8300T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW09

8400T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW03

8110 Tractor - 6081HRW11

8210 Tractor - 6081HRW13

8310 Tractor - 6081HRW15

8410 Tractor - 6081HRW17

8110T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW12

8210T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW14

8310T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW16

8410T (Tracks) Tractor - 6081HRW18

8120/8220 Wheel/Tracks (W/T)Tractor - 6081HRW23

8120/8220 Front Suspended Axle North America - 6081HRW31

8120/8220 Front Suspended Axle Region II - 6081HRW32

8320 W/T Tractor - 6081HRW25

8320 Front Suspended Axle North America - 6081HRW33

8320 Front Suspended Axle Region II - 6081HRW34

8420W CIS Tractor (Wheels Only) - 6081HRW26

8420 W/T Tractor - 6081HRW27

8420 Front Suspended Axle Tractor North America - 6081HRW35

8420 Front Suspended Axle Tractor Region II - 6081HRW36

8520 W/T Tractor - 6081HRW28

8520 Front Suspended Axle Tractor North America - 6081HRW37

8520 Front Suspended Axle Tractor Region II - 6081HRW38

9100 4-Wheel Drive Tractor - 6081HRW05

9120 4-WD Wheels Tractor - 6081HRW30


2256 Combine - 6081HZ003, 007

2258 Combine - 6081HZ002, 05

2264 Combine - 6081HZ002

2266 Combine - 6081HZ001

2268 Combine - 6081HZ006

9640/9640HM - 6081HZ009

9640/9640HM & 9850/9850HM Combine - 6081HZ017 (replaces HZ009)

9680/9680HM Combine - 6081HZ011

9780/9780HM Combine - 6081HZ012

9680/9680HM & 9780/9780HM Combine - 6081HZ019 (replaces HZ011 & HZ012)

9660/9660HM Combine - 6081HZ010

9660/9660HM Combine - 6081HZ018 (replaces HZ010)

6650 Self-Propelled Forage Harvester - 6081HZ004

7200 Self-Propelled Forage Harvester 6081HZ013 (European Model)

7200 Self-Propelled Forage Harvester - 6081HZ016 (North American Model)


1185A Combine - 6081ACQ01

Engine Application Chart (OEM) (Outside Equipment Manufacturers)

Application Engine Model

OEM Engine (Tier I Emissions Certified) - 6081TF001

OEM Engine (Tier I Emissions Certified) - 6081AF001

OEM Engine (Tier I Emissions Certified) - 6081HF001

Marine Engine - 6081AFM01

OEM Engine (Tier II Emissions Certified) - 6081HF070

Type de document
Manuel technique
Type de machine

Deere & Company, mieux connue sous la marque John Deere, est une société d'ingénierie américaine basée à Moline, dans l'Illinois, spécialisée dans la production de machines, de moteurs et de transmissions agricoles, de construction et forestières.

Machines agricoles

L'entreprise fabrique, entre autres, des tracteurs, des moissonneuses-batteuses, des récolteuses de coton, des presses à balles, des planteuses, des ensileuses et des pulvérisateurs.

Machines de construction

Sous la marque John Deere, des équipements de construction et des composants destinés à divers usages sont également produits : pelles, chargeuses, niveleuses, chargeuses-pelleteuses, bulldozers.

Matériel d'exploitation forestière

L'entreprise produit toute une gamme d'équipements forestiers.

Autres produits et services

En plus de l'équipement lourd, Deere &amp ; La société fabrique également des équipements grand public et commerciaux, notamment des tondeuses à gazon, des souffleuses à neige, des motoneiges et des véhicules tout-terrain. L'entreprise est également un fournisseur de moteurs diesel et de groupes motopropulseurs (essieux, transmissions, etc.) utilisés dans la machinerie lourde.

Tout cet équipement nécessite un entretien approprié et opportun. Nos manuels vous seront utiles pour l'utilisation, l'entretien et la réparation des équipements John Deere.

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