Nombre total d'avis


Note moyenne

★★★★★ Excellent 39
★★★★☆ Bien 0
★★★☆☆ Moyen 1
★★☆☆☆ Mauvaise 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 0

Tous les avis

5 mois depuis

Exceptional Provider Service

Not only was the manuals available on this website perfectly readable copies of the original documents, the Provider offers exceptional honest business practices. When the same manual was available under a slightly different name which made it seem likely to offer different service material, the Provider responded to a statement of concern within an hour on a Saturday and unexpectedly refunded the cost.
Highly recommended for excellent products and honest ethical business practices. Forester in Maine.

5 mois depuis


This was the easiest that i have ever gotten a manual. I 100% recommend if you need a manual quick this is the place to get it.

6 mois depuis

Manual John Deere 6115R en español

Recibí el manual de inmediato después del pago, lo pude bajar sin problemas. Es un buen sitio para utilizar

6 mois depuis

I was very satisfied. The purchase was safe and easy and the manual is very clear and helpful!

6 mois depuis

Todo correcto. Nada mas pagar ya tenia el enlace de descarga sin tener que esperar y el manual esta completo.