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Lots of information but a poor image clarity. A lot of the pictures identifying part locations are not as helpful as they should be.
Very pleased
Everything went very quickly.
Gleaner s67 service manual
Product arrived immediately. over 3000 pages downloaded in about 15 minutes.
index search works well.
Exceptional Provider Service
Not only was the manuals available on this website perfectly readable copies of the original documents, the Provider offers exceptional honest business practices. When the same manual was available under a slightly different name which made it seem likely to offer different service material, the Provider responded to a statement of concern within an hour on a Saturday and unexpectedly refunded the cost.
Highly recommended for excellent products and honest ethical business practices. Forester in Maine.
This was the easiest that i have ever gotten a manual. I 100% recommend if you need a manual quick this is the place to get it.