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★★★★★ Excelente 68
★★★★☆ Bom 1
★★★☆☆ Médio 3
★★☆☆☆ Ruim 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terrível 0

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3 mesesatrás

Manual de Servicio Cargadoras Excavadoras CASE 580SR-590SR-695SM

En mi opinión es bueno el contenido y también el servicio y la atención inmediata que me brindaron.

3 mesesatrás

Best Manuals are the BEST

I ordered the JD 760A operator's manual because it was more reasonably priced than others. I got it almost instantly and it is of very good quality. The pictures are clear and the manual is complete. Thank you Best Manuals, I will certainly order from you again for the next manual I need!

3 mesesatrás

Not what I was looking for at all paid for manule and it's free all over internet was needing hydraulic diagrams. Larry Burns

4 mesesatrás

Very useful

Anyone with an excavator should invest in a service manual, they are invaluable. The service manuals at Best Manuals are as good as they come and reasonably priced. I highly recommend them.