How to find the right manual

In order to find the required manual on the site, you can use two options:

  1. Search by keywords (model, name) in the search bar at the top of the site.
  2. Going to any category or page with a list of manuals, use filtering to refine your search: you can select a brand, type of equipment, manual type and document language.

On each product page you can download an introductory free fragment of the document, and thus make sure that your choice is correct.

How to place an order

  1. First register on the site. In addition to the standard registration with your data, you can also use authorization via Google or Facebook. Try to use the same method for subsequent authorization.
  2. Add the items you are interested in to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  3. On the checkout page, you can fill in your billing address (optional) and choose one of the available payment methods.
  4. Then click place an order and after that you will either be able to enter these cards on the site or you will be redirected to the payment page of the selected payment service.

After successful payment, you will be able to download your manual from your account on the site or via the link from the received email.

In case of unsuccessful payment, your order may receive the Payment Error status and you will not be able to download the manual. In this case, repeat the checkout or choose a different payment method. Also you can contact us for assistance.

Is my payment going to be safe and secure?

All the transactions are processed through Paypal and other reliable payments getaways like Fondy, Stripe

Thus, your payment information is processed by trusted services and no payment data is stored on this site.

Where is my download link

After succesfull payment, you should receive an email with a download link. Also, you can download a manual from ayour account site.

To do it please sign in and find your download link at MY ACCOUNT -> ORDER HISTORY AND DETAILS.

There you will find all your orders and available downloads below

If you have any questions feel free to contact us  and we will help you.

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